SEO (search engine optimisation) and organic search provide significant opportunities to drive business growth. After all, what is more lucrative than a website visitor with intent? (For example, somebody using a search engine when looking to buy a particular product or service). 

Acquiring organic traffic can take time, effort and resources. Unlike paid advertising, it's very unlikely to just happen overnight. Instead, it requires an 'always on' marketing approach, with regular intentful content creation.

The process

Website audit

A review of how your website currently stacks up: how visible it is across search and what we believe needs to be done to lay the foundations for an effective SEO programme.

Opportunity research

A deep-dive at the keyword phrases that are being searched to identify the greatest opportunity. Additionally, researching into what competitors are doing in this space.

Ongoing SEO programme

Moving into a rhythm of monthly activity; creating content that sticks, optimising existing content and looking for new opportunities.

Search intent

We firmly believe that acquiring traffic for traffic's sake is a short-sighted approach. Most businesses want to improve their search engine visibility to drive growth: lead generation in a B2B sense or sales in a B2C e-commerce scenario. Search intent covers the categories of commercial, local, informational and navigational.


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