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The SEO tools you need in your life

The search landscape is incredibly complex. Executing and keeping top of any SEO (search engine optimisation) activities is hard work. Especially when you’re trying to keep abreast of new keyword trends, and how you currently perform.

Thankfully, it needn’t be that overwhelming. Nowadays, there are plenty of SEO tools for you to use that will well and truly enhance your work life, significantly reducing the time you have to spend on manually looking up search positions, for example.

What can SEO tools help with?

Essentially, SEO tools can help you from end to end. Everything from identifying keywords opportunities to understanding domain or page authority, monitoring where you currently position for keywords, as well as making recommendations as to what content you could create to boost your search positioning.

What are the best SEO tools out there?

In alphabetical order, here are some of the best SEO tools that will help you keep on top of your SEO strategy and drive greater visibility across search.


Through ahrefs, you’ll be able to audit and optimise your existing website, as well as analyse competitors, which will help you to identify opportunities to optimise your own site. You’ll also be able to find keywords and track keyword progress. Ahrefs is one of many mainstream tools. Free and paid versions are available.

Google Analytics

The most basic form of data, Google Analytics enables you to understand which portion of your traffic comes from organic search. Google Analytics has a partial link with Google Console, which will show some keyword terms, but not many. For a more accurate picture, head over to Google Console itself.

Google Console

Google Console will give you a very detailed view of your search presence – everything from impressions lto clicks, clickthrough rate and average position. You’ll have the opportunity to drill down at every stage, understanding what page(s) are driving traffic for specific keyword search terms.


Through Moz, SEO professionals can identify their domain and page authority, which is possible in browser and through the Moz browser extensions that are available. Moz also supports keyword research, SEO position tracking and technical auditing amongst other things. Moz is one of many mainstream SEO tools. Free and paid accounts are available.


Semrush is, arguably, one of the most popular and well-known tools for SEO professionals. It offers a 20-1 toolkit, which includes auditing, keyword research, search position analysis and support with creating content. SEMRush is one of many mainstream tools.

SE Ranking

SERanking is “SEO software made simple”, featuring search position tracking, keyword research, content recommendation, competitor analysis and more. SERanking is one of many mainstream SEO tools.

Other SEO tools exist

Of course, there are other tools out there. It’s impossible to name them all. If we’re missing a tool you think we should include, contact us.

For a completely independent view led by user reviews, why not head over to Capterra?

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